Blatently Obvious

A blog dedicated to the truth, which should be as blatently obvious to all of you, as it is to me.

Location: Washington

Chief is a combination software geek from Washington State, aspiring novelist, and retired Chief Warrant Officer from the Army National Guard (thus the clever name). A recipient of a BA in Russian and East European studies and an MBA from the University of Washington, his interests include foreign affairs, economics, politics, technology and languages. Polite inquiries and job offers will be answered at Check out my writing oriented site at


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Big News O' the Day

The big news of the day is the tsunami in SE Asia, and criticism of the US response to it. Personally, I think the US should spend more on foreign aid, it buys us good press and is a lot cheaper than sending the Marines, but at the same time we do more than anyone else as it is, so back off commie weenie liberals! We already sent an aircraft carrier and 6 C-130's. What are the French going to do, send a rowboat and a piper cub? All sarcasm aside, this was a horrible disaster and we should do everything to help. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims.


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